Monday, October 8, 2012

Personal: Second Week of mini-Nano

Hello all! Just a little update on my October mini-Nano! The text is, as I promised, up on Fictionpress. There's a chapter for every single day, which is gonna end up pretty darn lengthy, but I can always edit that in December or whenever I get to editing it. I'm writing out sort of ghetto phase outlines* for each day. I've gotten as far as the 16th (which I believe is a test day for me) and have realized that this story will not be finished before November starts. Which means, I'm really sorry guys, but it will go on hiatus as soon as NaNoWriMo starts up.

Writing this has been really easy. I definitely think part of it was the platform- 750words. The badges are great motivation and signing up for the October Challenge was a great way to keep me on track.

So far I've JUST gotten to introducing the character everyone voted for. Don't worry though, he's definitely playing a major role. I've also stolen a couple of the suggestions that didn't win and am finding ways to incorporate them. I also have another question for you, my possibly existent readers!

A lot of stories like this, the ones where magic is suddenly real and has been hiding for who knows how long, involve rewriting history to accommodate the knowledge of magic. My question is two-fold. One: What historical event would you like to see re-written to involve magical creatures? Two: What is your favorite nursery rhyme? The one you remember the most from your childhood. Teeelll meee reaaddeerss. Tell me yooouurr storiieess.

*For those of you who don't know what a phase outline is, read this thread, which explains everything. It's kind of like writing the book before writing the book, without all of the fun stuff like adjectives and descriptions. There is a distinct possibility that I am going to do a review of this system, along with some other outlining systems. It probably won't happen until November or December, but I'll totally do it. These are for all you planners out there.


  1. historical event: Boston massacre
    nursery rhyme: jack and jill

  2. I personally don't like history, howeverrrr, I feel like you could write something about the Louisiana Purchase since it was a vaguely documented trip and took a long amount of time since they were exploring a vast amount of land :)

    and nursery rhyme that could kind of correspond with that idea (idk if you're linking the two tho?) is London Bridge is Falling Down. BUT the most prominent nursery rhyme I think of is probably Ring Around the Rosy

    Hope this helped!

  3. 1) Kennedy assassination. BOOM BRAINS.
    2) 10 Little Indians/10 Little Sailor Boys. You know, the "And Then There Were None" nursery rhyme. No one shall escape its ultimate justice. Noooo oneeee

  4. The foundation of Rome.
    Enter Sandman.

    1. I'm not sure "Enter Sandman" is a nursery rhyme, but we'll see.

  5. historical event: something to do with the fall of the Roman Empire

    nursery rhyme: Ring around the rosey
