Monday, October 1, 2012

Personal: First Day of Mini-NaNo

Well, today is October 1st. Aaaand, well, that's a little nerve-wracking. I have two tests this week, plus a group report, plus a HUGE paper I have to write by the 10th. So it's going to be a tough month. But I can handle this. I mean, it's only 750 words a day, right? (Note: I'm wearing my worried face.)

So, for this update, I'm going to tell you guys two things. One, you get to know which magical creature is making a big appearance in the novel and, two, you get to know part of the mythology behind the story. Without further ado, point one.

DRAGONS won the day, with 3 votes out of 18 comments. Some of you posted a lot of options in your comments, which was sort of cheating ( ;P ), but I counted them anyway. So, look out for a dragon character as an important part of the story. I'd like to tell you more, but you'll see as the story goes along.

Point two, is the myth of the Bear Statue. Geneseo has a fountain in the center of main street. It looks like this.
Credit: kwalt0888, flickr

The story of this statue, in relation to the college, is as follows. If a virgin graduates from Geneseo, the bear will crawl down off the fountain and come to life. First of all, take this moment to laugh at that. Secondly, let's see where it goes, no? 

This has been an incredibly vague post, so I hope no one's angry with me about that. But there will be a bunch of these posts throughout the month, plus the text up on fictionpress. So, let's watch this unfold. (I wrote about 1200 words today, none of which explain this vague post. So, yeah, sorry! <3 )

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