Monday, September 24, 2012

Intro: "Mini-NaNo"

The website "Toasted Cheese" holds what they call a "Mini-NaNo" during the month of September. This warm-up for the real thing asks you to write 167 words a day for 30 days, leaving you with a grand total of 5,000 words that month.

While I have never participated in the official "Chasm and Crags" version (which I assume is their forum space), I thought it would be a great idea to do a mini-NaNo in October, primarily because I am a masochist.

I am going to use an online writing platform, dear to my heart, to do so. This platform is also the one I just reviewed-! In case you were clever, you'd notice that that means I am writing WAY more than 167 words a day. Yes, I plan on writing 750 words every day for the month of October, for a total of 23,250 words. This is a test to see how motivated I can stay and will, hopefully, be a good indicator of whether or not I can (finally) complete National Novel Writing Month.

Why am I telling you this, you ask? Because I have a favor to ask of you, my possibly existent readers. Part of my project has been to understand the development of an online community around NaNoWriMo and her home site. I would also like to bring a bit of community into my own blog. Each week (at least), I will post an update about my work and my story. In that update I will ask for your opinions and your decisions as to how the story will go. Yes, I want my writing to be interactive. The text will be posted on whichever hosting site I chose and everyone will be able to read the shitty, unedited version as I produce it. Best of all, you will be able to see where your input affected the story.

Sound good? I'm excited, so I can only hope y'all are :)


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