Thursday, June 6, 2013

Book Review: A Note

I am on Goodreads. Which means I know how anal people can get about book reviews and stars and scores and stuff.

So I wanted to give a little warning to everyone.

I'm a tough grader.

That doesn't mean I don't like books. Matched got 3's for both quality sections and I read the book in like literally 5 hours. Sucked the words off the page like a vacuum.

Just because I give lower scores doesn't mean I don't like the books.
So please don't freak out if I review a book you love and its not "5/5 best book ever would recommend".

<3 M

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I'm back (v 2.0)

Remember that time in January when I posted about how I was back and really excited to do this again?

Of course not, I deleted that post like whoa!

But I am back now, for real, and I am really excited to get back to work and review stuff for anybody who may be watching (or myself cause hay I don't need an audience to do what I love amirite?)

Coming your way are book reviews- one of Matched by Ally Condie and one of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Hopefully I will have another website review in the near future and maybe more on my novels that never got finished during NaNo!

<3 M